Impact of Performance and Etiquette of Tourist Guides in the New Normal Society

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Thanida Jomyim


This academic paper had the purpose of presenting and promoting to understand the regarding of the impact of performance and etiquette of tourist guides in the new normal society. This is because a tourist guide is like a representative or influential person, who is close to tourists to provide information, knowledge, enjoyment and recreation for the benefit of the tourism industry and the nation. Tourist guides play an important role in tourism experiences and relationships, including efficiency of operation and manners which contribute to personal achievement and image of the country's tourism. So if operations and etiquette are improved in the new normal era, they will influence to tourists interaction which will be smooth and success. These effect are part of promoting good traditions and uniqueness.

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How to Cite
Jomyim, T. (2023). Impact of Performance and Etiquette of Tourist Guides in the New Normal Society. Journal of Modern business administration and management for Sustainable Development, 1(1), 15–24. retrieved from
Academic Article


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