Developing 21st Century Life Skills and Career Competencies Among University Students: A Case Study of Buddhist University in Thailand
21st-century skills, life skills development, career competencies, higher education, Buddhist University, SBU-LCK ModelAbstract
This research and development (R&D) study aimed to explore, develop, and evaluate a model for enhancing 21st-century life skills and career competencies among students at SBU. The study was conducted in four phases: identifying the current state and needs, developing a suitable model, trialing the model, and evaluating its effectiveness. A sample of 390 SBU students was selected using stratified random sampling. The research tools included questionnaires assessing the current state of life skills, model development needs, and satisfaction with the implemented model. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Wilcoxon test, the Mann-Whitney U test, and qualitative content analysis. The findings revealed that the current level of life skills and career competencies among students was moderately high. The developed SBU-LCK Model, which focuses on six key competencies - emotional management, flexibility, initiative, social skills, productivity, and leadership - demonstrated significant effectiveness in improving these skills. The model was well-received by students and experts, with high satisfaction scores and substantial improvements in pre- and post-test evaluations. This study highlights the importance of integrating comprehensive life skills training into higher education to better prepare students for the demands of the 21st century.
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