Geographic Process-Based Learning Management for Junior High School Students in Phrapariyattidhamma School in Thailand


  • Siriyawan Rookeb Chaiyaphum Pariyattidhamma School (General Education), Chaiyaphum, Thailand


Geographic Processes, Learning Management, Social Studies Education, Student Engagement, Academic Achievement


This research aims to explore the effectiveness of learning management using geographic processes among junior high school students at Phrapariyattidhamma School in Thailand. The study focuses on three main objectives: assessing the current state of learning management, comparing academic achievements before and after implementing geographic processes, and evaluating student satisfaction. The research involved 25 students selected through simple random sampling, employing a True Control Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The findings revealed that the learning management conditions were generally favorable, with significant improvements in students' post-test scores compared to their pre-test scores. Additionally, student satisfaction with the learning management process was rated highly, indicating that the integration of geographic processes into teaching could effectively enhance learning outcomes. This study suggests that geographic processes are a promising approach for improving educational quality in social studies education.


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How to Cite

Rookeb, S. (2024). Geographic Process-Based Learning Management for Junior High School Students in Phrapariyattidhamma School in Thailand. Insights into Modern Education (i-ME), 1(4), 31–43. retrieved from



Research Paper